Friday, August 10, 2012

Maine Event

The Maine Event

Coastal Maine is gorgeous!  But if you know us, you know we vacationed here for more than the beauty of nature and cool summer breeze.  There had to be food involved. 
Yes, it was all about the LOBSTER!

Are you seeing red, yet?  You should be! 
At those prices, we got the sweetest, most tender, red crustaceans straight out of the waters. 
You only think you've tasted lobster until you get to Maine!
TRIPLE please! 

Can you say NO REGRETS to my lobster indused coma?! 
 I'd do it AGAIN and AGAIN in a heart beat! 
But if you know me, you are NOT at all surprised!!

And day after day, we ate lobster, and more lobster, and more lobster, and more lobster!
The tonnage we consumed should be lethal!

Lobster Fest is an annual event that we will be going back for again and again. 
Actually, if Maine's weather wasn't erratic, it wasn't on the east coast (and not my personal favorite the west coast) and had more cultural diversity--it could be a real contender for the Rembert families summer dwelling:)

Right Daniel-son Marcus-son?!